Social Media

Reality check. Social media is a necessity, not icing on a cake. You need to integrate your social media strategy with your content strategy and with that in place you’ll see the real impact of lead generation, referral traffic and revenue.
Gone are the days where you farm out your social media task to the intern. You need social media strategists now and we’re here for you.

Let us allocate your company with an individual, dedicated social media pro. Your contact will be all over your products, services, client base and company culture making sure to deliver your message as sharp as a shooting star on a clear night.

Social Media Packages

We don’t want to drown you  in social media tech speak so we’ve tried to set this up simply. This said we’d love to escape our laptops for a few minutes so if you need to speak to us about this instead we’d love to call you or chat via email and tailor something just for you.

Social Media Lite

  • 3 Tweets per week
  • 3 Fan Page updates per week
  • All follow ups
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The Flame Package

  • 14 Tweets per week
  • 14 Fan Page updates per week
  • 7 Instagram/ Pinterest updates per week
  • All follow ups
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The Fire Package

  • This is a custom package for you.
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